Palais Bulles


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Azarshahr, IRAN

Location of the Project::

France, Cannes

The 1200 m2 house was built between 1975 and 1989 by architect Antti Lovag.
Fashion designer Pierre Cardin bought the house in 1991.
In March 2017, it was listed as one of the most expensive houses in all the world.todays It could be rented to groups for $33,200 a day.

The house comprises a reception hall, panoramic lounge, 500-seat open-air amphitheatre, 10 bedrooms, various swimming pools and waterfalls in extensive landscaped grounds which most of them covered by the inspiring natural stone, iran red travertine

This amazing house has 29 rooms, and ten bedrooms that have each been decorated by a specific artist, including Patrice Breteau, Jerome Tisserand, Daniel You, François Chauvin, and Gerard Cloarec.